F1 In Schools – International Reach with Local Impact

Andrew Denford - Founder & Chairman, F1 In Schools
Five years ago BCN published its first article that brought the disturbing facts to light that young students were falling behind in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Match (STEM) subjects and this was affecting the future workforce pool of talent.
Over the years since then, we have featured some amazing organizations that have taken on the challenge to bring STEM programs to students all over the World. One of these amzing organization is F1 In Schools.
There is nothing better than a vision of impacting the future of students and then growing it to an international program that impacts on the local areas it reaches. Andrew Denford, the Founder and Chairman of F1 In Schools, in his interview with Karl Woolfenden on his podcast Link’d AM, talks about how Andrew has taken his passion for Formula One and his knowledge of Engineering and created an amazing STEM program. This STEM program encourages young students to embrace all the various elements that make auto racing such a compelling sport. Listen to this conversation between Karl and Andrew, to hear how F1 In Schools impacts the countries it operates in. If you want to learn more visit F1 In Schools website https://www.f1inschools.com/