Celebrate National Single Parent Day and Join the Life Changer Golf Classic
Join Single Parent Advocate for the inaugural Life Changer Golf Classic on March 21st 2022 at Oakmont Country Club!Oakmont’s champion Bermuda grass greens provide an excellent putting surface that has continually challenged golfers of all skill levels. Fifty-one sand traps and 6 water holes enhance the picturesque view for all who visit this Championship Par-72 Golf Course.
For all golfers, a box lunch and food at the Awards Ceremony will be provided as well as prizes for top teams!
- We will also have prizes for Hole-in-One, Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.
- Mulligans available for $10 each.
- Fabulous raffle prizes at $10 a ticket and Text To Give challenges.
We plan to have 10AM Registration and 12PM Shotgun Start with box lunch as well as a 19th Hole Awards Celebration.
See more details – REGISTER TODAY
Thank you for your support to empower and equip single parents and their children in the greater Dallas-Ft. Worth community.
Single Parent Advocate is committed to educating, equipping, and empowering Single Parent Families with resource information, practical assistance, emotional encouragement, and social networking such that those who need help get help – and those who want to help, can.
Single Parent Advocate, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization providing resource connections, growth-based training, and support for single parent families, based in Dallas Texas and the surrounding areas. Additionally Single Parent Advocate corresponds with families from all over the United States and consults non-profits, churches, and businesses on how to build a program for success in serving and engaging single parents within their respective organizations.
We work to help break this cycle & increase these families’ success.
About The President & Founder
Stacie Poythress is passionate about building bridges for struggling families and believes the best bridges
toward success include education and empowerment. As Founder and Director of Single Parent Advocate, she readily dedicates herself to closing the gap for families stuck in between poverty and self sufficiency as they attempt to successfully raise their children alone. Personally and professionally, Stacie is a Dallas native, and graduated of UT Arlington with a BBA in Marketing. She has had a long career in helping businesses connect with potential customers by TV, Print, Digital Marketing, and more. She is passionate about her work in the advertising industry and embraces its potential, and its challenges wholeheartedly. Her involvement in the media community includes being a Past President of the Alliance for Women in Media DFW, and volunteering for Dream Fund Casino Night Dancing with the Stars. She is excited about beginning a new chapter of working in her own media and marketing agency, Free Martin, which she created alongside Single Parent Advocate 10 years ago.
What we aim to solve
Single Parent Advocate works hard to establish needed services for Single Moms, Single Dads as well as their children. 1 in 3 children in North Texas are being raised in a single parent home, and most of those homes are struggling financially to find their footing. Only about 30% of the available jobs in North Texas pay enough for a single parent with two children to be self sufficient. They need our support.